Welcome to my new platform


one happy girl

welcomes you to the new platform

I`m so happy to have a new more current and modern website. I was never quite happy with the design and layout of my previous website and blog. I found it difficult to manage, it was about a billion templates to choose from and to find the right one that served me the most was virtually impossible. I spent hours online chatting with customer service, they were amazing though, I have to give them credit for that. In the end I gave up and just left it as it was and realized that to get the website I wanted I should get some professional help. I just had no clue who to turn to.

And then time went by without me doing anything about it. Then an angel came along, one of the girls in my Facebook group came to the rescue. Melissa, a beautiful and talented girl. I highly recommend her if you want to make a website or upgrade the one you already have. You can find Melissa here www.printholaworld.com or contact her on email melissa@printholaworld.com.Melissa advised me to change platform and here I am. Oh and she also made a new logo for me, since we talk about the color fan all the time she suggested to get the fan into the logo and I absolutely loved the idea. We did keep the colors and the vibe from my first logo.

On my Home page you can read more about color analysis and the system I work with. Now I also have a shop site where you can buy my services directly. I also have a Testimonial site with reviews from my lovely clients, I think this is the site I’m most happy with, I just love to see how my clients shine in their colors. How beautiful are they?

I have had the joy to work with hundreds of women from all around the world,  I’m so privileged to get to work with them and to get to know them. Many of them I regards as my friends, most of them are members of my Facebook group  Colors In Style By Kari Community | Facebook   where we have a community of women of all ages, sizes and colors. This group is a safe place to be, no religion or politics are discussed. I think that especially through the pandemic this group has been a haven for many of us. Its a group where people are kind and helpful, but you can also get some constructive critique and suggestions how to tweak an outfit to make it work better. This group is also a great way for me to keep in touch with my clients, see how they evolve and give them more knowledge about how to use their fans, how to dress for their contrast level and make the most of the investment they have made. If you want to join my Facebook group you are most welcome. You don`t have to be a client of mine to join. 

I plan to make at least one blogpost a week, if you have ideas about topics to write about leave a comment. Comments are always welcome as blogging is a lonely business and without feedback blogging is just no fun. 

Have a lovely day where ever you are in the world. 

My name is Kari and I’m a Contrasting Panache Autumn, which season are you? 

Kari Juvik14 Comments