Silver is the new black - Ramona

First time I saw Ramona I was blown away by her beautiful silver hair. She looked so striking and I was super happy when she reached out to me for a color analysis. Ramona was very dark when she was young and dyed her hair black or almost black for years and years, . Everyone, including herself believed she was a Winter. I actually thought so myself until I started to do her analysis. It turned out in the end she was one of what I`ve started to call the Secret Summers. I will make a blogpost about them sometime.

Look at the difference in the 2 pictures below where her make up is winter colors on the left and summer colors on the right. What a difference, the toned down look really makes her look softer and also younger. And still she has the edgy look which suits her so well. Ramona is a Light Porcelain Summer.

Here`s Ramonas own story about her transitioning to gray.

I started graying when I was 18 years old which is when my mother started graying as well. I would color my hair and do touch ups at the roots. When I finally decided to let my hair grow out to grey, I was coloring my roots every 2 weeks. My hair does grow fast.


The first part to really show the grey was the front right. I found a picture of grey/Black streaked hair and had a salon tell me they pull the black out of my hair to achieve the grey/Black streaks.

I didn't believe her because my hair was so dark that it would go through much red. The beautician left bleach on my hair for 6 hours checking it periodically. Customers would come and go, the sun went down, and I was getting concerned. She finally rinsed the bleach from my hair and sat me back in the chair and started to comb out my wet hair that was still dark red. I watched as clumps of hair came out in the comb and she put the comb down on her table, put a towel over it and turned my chair away from the mirror. She put two different toners over my hair to try and put lavender grey into my hair. I went home and looked at my hair in the mirror and it was shorter, with out a haircut. When I woke up in the morning I started to brush my hair and ended up with clumps coming out into the sink. The hair was dry like straw and very brittle.

My next move was to cut as much of the damaged hair off but still had multi colored hair which actually blended the grey.

This picture was in 2017. Three years later I still have brown in the ends of my hair and am slowly trimming it off and looking forward to having salt and pepper hair again with no more brown. Below is my 1st haircut after COVID-19 lock down for 1 year. It is definitely more grey now and less of the damaged hair. I love my grey! It could have been a smoother transition, but now I have a story. wink


On Facebook there’s numerous groups where you can get more ideas, information and it’s always good to be part of a community where the people are going through or have been through the same as you. Here’s some of the groups my clients are members of. Silver Foxy, Silver Sisters, Growing Gray Gracefully, Silver Revolution, The Silver Circle to mention a few.

If you want to know if going gray can change your season, read this post Silver is the new Black- Will going gray change my season? — Colors in Style By Kari. If you wonder what season you are I can definitely help you no matter where you live. I have happy clients from all over the world.

This is the 5th blogpost in this series.

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