Silver is the new Black-Michelle
When I see my clients has beautiful silver hair and dye it often I always encourage them to let nature do it’s job. When you need to dye your hair a couple of times a month it’s time to reconsider. I often hear that the gray hair looks so bad, but actually it’s not the gray hair looking bad. It’s the contrast between the fake color and the natural gray that looks bad, not the gray/white or silver hair. And you just need to face it, who are you fooling anyway? Everyone who sees you on regular basis will know that your roots are gray.
I’m going to introduce you to 4 women who has joined the Silver squad, and they will tell their stories about how they handled their transition.
Today it’s Michelle’s story. When I first met Michelle she had just decided to let nature do it’s job. She had about an inch of beautiful silver hair and the rest was dyed dark. She contacted me to get a color analysis and I was so happy when I heard that she had decided to stop dyeing. This was in the beginning of the pandemic so Michelle decided to do this the hard way. No hair salons was open and she didn’t really see that many people either, so that kind of made it a bit easier to get through the transition. It took her 9 months to get where she is today, and she for sure looks striking with her white hair and soft Summer colors.
Michelle says:
In March 2020 I decided to go to my natural color instead of continuing to color. It was a bit scary making the decision. I found some FB groups with amazing women who were going grey. All of their pictures and comments inspired me to go grey. The next step was contacting Kari Talhaug Juvik to help me find my correct colors while going grey and after. Kari’s support and encouragement helped me see where I needed to make adjustments in clothing, makeup and accessories. Now, I love my colors and my grey hair. And, I haven’t looked back!
Here`s Michelle with her beautiful Light Summer fan, isn`t she just gorgeous?
On Facebook there’s numerous groups where you can get more ideas, information and it’s always good to be part of a community where the people are going through or have been through the same as you. Here’s some of the groups my clients are members of. Silver Foxy, Silver Sisters, Growing Gray Gracefully, Silver Revolution, The Silver Circle to mention a few.
If you want to know if going gray can change your season, read the previous post. If you wonder what season you are I can definitely help you no matter where you live. I have happy clients from all over the world.
This is the third blogpost in this series, in the next blogpost you will meet Katrina. .So stay tuned.
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I`m a Contrasting Panache Autumn, which season are you?